Word of the Week
It should come as no surprise, folks, given what week it is. Actually for many, including myself, the word of the week is also the word of the year, the century, maybe even the millenia. INAUGURATION According to the online etymological dictionary, the word dates from 1569, and is from those freedom lovin' folks the French. Of course it didn't start with them. Like much in our native tongue the word comes from the latin, in this case, inaugurationem, which means, believe  it or not, "to install under good omen." which in turn comes from inaugurare--take omens from the flight of birds and consecrate when such omens are favorable. From "in" meaning "on, in" and "augurare" meaning "to act as an augur, predict."  Wowza. So the whole thing is NOT a done deal. When the new president raises his hand and swears the oath of office, it's really an act of faith (in the broadest sense) and a hope that things will "augur" well for the future. Who knew? Kind of spooky thinking about those bird flights, though. I heard there'll be a bald eagle there. Hope if he takes off, he'll fly well. On the other hand, who out there knows how to interpret such things anymore? The oracle at Delphi, the vestal virgins...all dust. Just as well. Wouldn't want to rest my country's future on the wings of birds. Even so, the inauguration is still an iffy proposition. It's the day AFTER the ceremony we should all be looking toward. Labels: annie solomon, annie's world, inauguration, obama
Pick Your Post
So, I was reading the latest Soap Opera Digest, and yes, Virginia, I do love my Digest... Anyway, my favorite part of the mag is the "ask the stars" question. They ask a bunch of soap actors the same question and record their response. This week, in honor of the inauguration, they asked: If you could be apppointed a cabinet post in the new administration, wh  at would it be? They got serious answers (Secretary of Defense from Grayson McCouch, whose mother is Israeli),  to practical (Secretary of Jury Duty from Nancy Grahn, who evidently has a nit to pick with the way jury duty works), to completely fantastical (Secretary of Can't Everyone Just Get Along from I don't remember who). So...I had to ask. What post would I want? The honest answer is none. Way, way, way too much pressure. But if I HAD to choose--you know, if they put me up against a wall and threatened to shoot me--I'd have to say Secretary of Escapism. I'd abolish realistic (re: unhappy) endings, regulate the media so there's at least twenty minutes a day of good news, and legislate a new kind of Happy Hour for everyone where they can laugh and be entertained and forget about sorrow, grief, and despair. Wonder what everyone else would choose if they could. Labels: annie solomon, annie's world, Cabinet Post, Grayson McCouch, Nancy Grahn, obama, Soap Opera Digest
Only The Head Knows
So much going on in my head right now, it's no wonder I've been somewhat lackadaisical about my blog. No excuse, I know. But hell, the holidays are HARD. Too much visiting, too much food, too much gift-giving. How's a girl to think? Especially when the story she's supposed to be thinking on keeps morphing into something else. Well I have a solution. Lobotomy. A clean, quick surgical strike. New woman, here I come.... Speaking of brains, here's something I read in Funny Times' News of the Weird. Some guy was disabled in an accident and unable to work. Then he had a stroke and when he recovered he was suddenly able to draw--a talent he'd never displayed before. And now that drawing ability has set him up for life. Oh, the mysteries we'll never plumb. At least not without alien intervention.
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