Red-Faced and Ashamed

Wish I could say it was one or the other. Alas. It was only that I'm trying to write a new book (grrrr) and also teach a fiction-writing class, plan a retreat, and a wedding. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say I'm too busy to post. It's just that there's only so much room in the brain pan and most of it's already spoken for. Do you have a closet in your house where all the odds and ends, not to mention vital winter coats, boots and hats get stuffed? That's my brain.
Yada, yada, yada, whine, whine, whine.
I hate decisions. Do you? Making choices just about drives me crazy. Maybe it's the pisces in me--you know the 2 fish who insist on staring in opposite directions... Or maybe its the crazy person in me (hubby would vote for the latter...) but I'd rather do anything (okay, not folding laundry, but anything else...) than make a decision.
And the sick thing about writing--blog or book--not to mention planning--retreat or wedding--or even teaching is you HAVE to make decisions. Like every five minutes. What should I write about? What happens next? Should we have have cake or pie? Should we start at 5 or six? What the hell am I going to talk about in class today...

So I spend a lot--A LOT--of time doing nothing (re: knitting/watching TV/playing Collapse) rather than making important choices.
You see where this leads me. Nowhere. Which is why, I assume, you'll be seeing less and less of me here. At least until some of the above gets done and out of said brain space.
Or...maybe there's someone out there who wants to take over. Be Annie For A Day.
No, I wouldn't wish that on anyone...
But if there IS some hardy soul who wants to do some ghost writing....
My husband is the same stamp of Pisces...decisions are his personal hell!
Jody W.
Well George and I will have to have a meeting of the minds...
Well George and I will have to have a meeting of the minds...
Hmm...I seem to be repeating myself. Another pisces trait? Or just the cycle of the moon?
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